Storm Water Program
Our Storm Water Program’s focus is to monitor and improve water quality in Stark County. Stark County Storm Water Quality Regulations and the Ohio EPA NPDES Phase II permit, any earthmoving operation disturbing one acre or more is required to submit plans for review and approval. This process is referred to as a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) outlines the erosion and sediment control practices that will be installed and maintained during all phases of construction. The SWPPP process works to reduce sediment from depositing in streams, ditches, creeks, and existing storm drains.
Erosion and sediment control measures are called Best Management Practices (BMP’s), and when installed and maintained correctly, they help prevent soil from leaving the site.
The District’s Storm Water Program Manager and District Technicians work diligently to review plans and perform site inspections to ensure that these erosion and sediment control measures are in place.
The District is committed to helping achieve a balance between development and nature; therefore, preserving the integrity of Stark County’s natural resources.