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Rain Barrels & Compost Bins
Rain Barrels, Diverter Kits, Compost Bins, and Compost Turning Forks are available for sale year-round in our office.

Rain Barrels & Diverter Kits
Available Year-Round
Pick-Up: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Orders can be placed in-person or over the phone, but payment must be made at pick-up via cash or check.
Rain Barrels are 55 gallon food-grade drums that collect rain water from roof runoff. The collected water can be used for landscaping and garden irrigation. Diverter kits are used to attach rain barrels to existing downspout systems.

Compost Bins & Compost Turning Forks
Available Year-Round
Pick-Up: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Orders can be placed in-person or over the phone, but payment must be made at pick-up via cash or check.
Compost Bins are plastic drums used to decompose yard waste and food scraps into fertilizer. Compost Turning Forks are steel tools used to turn and aerate compost, increasing the speed of decomposition.

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