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MS4 Communities

City of Alliance

504 E. Main St.

Alliance, OH 44601


City of Canal Fulton

City Hall

155 E. Market St.

Canal Fulton, OH 44614


City of Canton

2436 30th St. NE

Canton, OH 44705


Canton Twp

4711 Central Avenue, S.E.
Canton, OH 44707
Phone:  (330)484-2501

Village of East Canton

130 Cedar St S,

East Canton, OH 44730


Jackson Twp

5735 Wales Avenue NW

Massillon, OH 44646


Village of Hartville

202 W. Maple Street
Hartville, OH 44632

Lake Twp

12360 Market Avenue North

Hartville, OH 44632


Lawrence Twp

5828 Manchester Avenue NW

North Lawrence, OH 44666


City of Massillon

Municipal Government Annex
151 Lincoln Way East
Massillon, OH 44646


Nimishillen Twp

Township Office

4915 North Nickelplate

Louisville, OH 44641


Perry Twp

3111 Hilton Street NW
Massillon, OH 44646

Stark County

110 Central Plaza South, Suite 240
Canton, OH 44702


City of Louisville

215 South Mill Street

Louisville, OH 44641


Village of Navarre

Village Hall
27 Canal St. W.
Navarre, OH 44662

City of North Canton

845 West Maple Street

North Canton, OH 44720


Plain Twp

Plain Township Hall
2600 Easton St. NE
Canton, OH 44721


Stark County Regional Planning Commission

201 3rd St NE, Suite #201
Canton, OH 44702


Tuscarawas Twp

956 Manchester Ave SW

North Lawrence, OH 44666

(330) 832-6273

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